Recently, a surveillance camera captured a chilling video that has since surfaced on the internet. In the footage, a nearly three-year-old girl accidentally fell into a pool, and her uncle retrieved her lifeless body minutes later. The timely intervention of a 15-year-old girl, who had recently undergone CPR training, ultimately saved the child’s life.
In recent days, a video uploaded to the YouTube platform has garnered global attention, accumulating over 100,000 views thus far. Online users are expressing admiration for the swift response of a 15-year-old girl.
The footage, captured by a surveillance camera, depicts the harrowing moment a 3-year-old child fell into a pool. The girl’s uncle retrieved her lifeless form from the water, causing panic among the adults present. Madison Atkinson, a 15-year-old who had recently completed a CPR course at school, stepped in to rescue the situation. She administered CPR to the girl until professional rescuers arrived, ultimately saving the child’s life.
Witness the compelling surveillance footage showcasing the 15-year-old’s decisive actions, which played a crucial role in saving the life of the 3-year-old through effective CPR.