Throughout history, things have changed, but people stay the same. And by that, I mean they’re weird. There are so many unbelievable moments that have happened over the decades, and luckily one Reddit user found a gallery of the best odd photos from history. If you thought life was weird today, you’re about to get a big surprise: strange things havealways happened.
1.) A woman taking her baby for a stroll in a gas-resistant baby carriage.

2.) People posing next to the Statue of Liberty’s face as it was being un-packed.

3.) A photo of Elvis Presley in the army.

4.) Fuzzy ducklings being used as therapy animals for children.

5.) A brave man testing out a new bulletproof vest.

6.) A picture of the young Charlie Chaplin at age 27 in 1916.

7.) This picture of the Hindenburg as it crashed.

8.) This circus hippo pulling a cart.

9.) Annette Kellerman promoting a woman’s right to wear a fitted, one-piece bathing suit in 1907. She was later arrested for indecency.

10.) Annie Edison Taylor, who was the first person to survive going over Niagra Falls in a barrel in 1901.

11.) In 1990, a 106 year-old Armenian woman guards her house with an automatic weapon.

12.) These baby cages were used in apartments in the 1930s to make sure the child got enough fresh air and sunlight. And danger.

13.) A picture of the original Ronald McDonald from 1963.

14.) The Disneyland employee cafeteria in 1961.

15.) A morbid advertisement for Atabrine, an anti-malaria drug, during WWII.

16.) A soldier shares his banana with a goat during the battle of Saipan ca 1944.

17.) This little girl sits with her doll in the ruins of her London home that was bombed in 1940.

18.) The Berlin wall being constructed in 1961.

19.) An unknown soldier in Vietnam from 1965.

20.) A ruined London bookstore that was damaged in an air raid in 1940.

21.) Walter Yeo, one of the first people to undergo a skin transplant and advanced plastic surgery in 1917.

22.) This sun tan vending machine in 1949.

23.) Beach patrols measuring the length of women’s bathing suits in the 1920s.

24.) Martin Luther King Jr. removing a burned cross from his yard with his son in 1960.

25.) A hotel owner pouring acid in a pool while a black family swam in it in 1964.

26.) What lifeguards used to look like in the 1920s.

27.) A girl with artificial legs in 1890.

28.) A mother and her son look at the mushroom cloud following a nuclear test in Las Vegas in 1953.

29.) A mother shamefully hides her face after listing her children for sale in 1948.

30.) A joyful Austrian boy receives new shoes during WWII.

31.) Nazi officers and cadets celebrate Christmas with a feast in 1941.

32.) Christmas dinner during the Depression.

33.) The original Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin from 1927.

34.) The last of the prisoners leaving Alcatraz in 1963.

35.) Melted remnants of a fire at Madam Tussauds Wax Museum in London, 1930.

36.) This chimp poses for a picture after his successful mission to space in 1961.

37.) Alcohol being poured out on the streets during Prohibition Detroit in 1929.

38.) Princeton students after a freshman VS sophomore snowball fight in 1893.

39.) A woman beautifully arranged after committing suicide.

40.) What happened when Sweden began driving on the right side of the road in 1967.

These surreal photos from the past aren’t just must-see strange photos. They prove that things around us will always change. 50 years from now, life as we know it today may be completely unrecognizable.
Source: Reddit
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