Being a parent is a lot of responsibility. Making sure that another person is happy, healthy, never hungry, constantly learning, and staying out of trouble can be a whole lot of work, not to mention a whole lot of stress. But when you’re ready to give up a lot of your own time and care totally for someone else, having a child can be one of the greatest blessings in life.
While it’s important to keep your child safe and make sure they have rules to follow, sometimes it can be hard to enforce the rules and give out consequences when their little faces are just so darn cute.
Every once in a while, parents are allowed to give in to the cuteness — and even encouraged to, as long as they capture it on camera! Whether Mom and Dad are too busy laughing to scold them, like the dad who caught his toddler playing in Mommy’s makeup, or they just can’t believe what they are hearing, like the mom whose daughter told her she was moving out, sometimes you’ve just got to laugh it off.
Even better than letting your child’s misbehavior slide now and again, is when you get a chance to break the rules with your child.
The mom in this video does just that when she and her adorable daughter, Capucine, indulge in a little too much candy and decide that together, they will get rid of all the evidence before Dad finds out!
If you have let your kids misbehave and get away with it, please SHARE!