Wow. What an incredible rescue caught on camera. The first minute of this video may be disturbing, but have no fear — this ending is a happy one!
A group of wildlife enthusiasts were in the Timbavati Picnic Site in the Kruger National Park in South Africa when they heard what they thought was an unusual bird call. While looking for the bird, one of the women realized it was a baby squirrel hanging from a tree as he was caught in a thorn. They did something incredible — they brought it down to safety, and took it back to their camp where they gave the squirrel shelter, food and warmth. My heart broke for the baby when I saw him hanging there, struggling — but wrapped in blankets and feeding, my heart pieced back together
Now known as Thorn, the baby squirrel is doing well in the hands of her rescuers, being raised with lots of love and care!
Please SHARE this awesome rescue!