You’d think five children, including a set of toddler triplets, would make this father one burnt-out guy. Instead, he gives us his entertainingly energetic glimpse into fatherhood and the footage melted my heart. From messy toy rooms to chaotic grocery trips, this dad shows what it’s like to run a large household and I totally appreciate his sense of humor given his undoubtedly crazy schedule!
Just how common are triplets? BabyCenter states that as of 2010, “1 in 726 births resulted in triplets or higher-order multiples” in the United States. I had previously considered the birth of triplets a much more infrequent occurrence and was totally surprised to see that statistic! However, even more unexpected isBabyCenter’s report that “twins accounted for about 1 in 30 births in the United States [as of 2010] – or 3.3 percent.” Who knew that multiples were so common? I’ve personally only ever known one set of twins, so I always considered that kind of “double trouble” to be exceptionally rare. I guess I was wrong!
Regardless, this dad makes parenting so many babies look not only easy, but actually a lot of fun. There’s no doubt these kids will look back on his fatherly antics with big smiles on their faces. Do you have any multiples in your family? Sound off in the comments below and make sure to share this video if you found it as adorable as we did!