When Craig Armstrong adopted his cat from a shelter, he knew that he was adding another member to his family. What he didn’t know, though, was that he was also getting a new best friend and rock climbing partner. Millie isn’t your normal feline.
She isn’t finicky when it comes to climbing crags and rock faces. In fact, she loves it. She naturally seeks out the high ground and challenges Craig, just as much as she is just there to keep him company. This cat takes the cake.

“It’s taken a lot of practice and many trips to get Millie to the point where she follows me down a trail past areas like thickets that would have distracted her otherwise.”
Craig Armstrong

(H/T Bored Panda)
Not every cat is like Millie, so if you decide to try to take your cat mountain climbing… be careful. (In fact, it might be best if you don’t try at all.) She is a one of a kind kitty. Share her unique passion with others by clicking on the button below.