
We’re all taught the “Golden Rule” as children: do unto others as you would have done unto you. Well, apparently these people missed that lesson. Then, they took an extra curricular course on Being Absolutely Evil. These kinds of people are just the worst.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt can be a positive strategy in life… but these people? Never, ever, ever trust:

1.) The monster that thinks this is okay.

2.) The people responsible for these Oreo abominations.

3.) The second commenter on this photo.

4.) The person who thought this was a good place to leave a glue stick.

5.) Whoever printed this helpful reminder.

6.) The person responsible for these t-shirts.

7.) This comedy genius.

8.) Whoever left their hotel room like this.

9.) This person who might be more than a little passive aggressive.

10.) This funeral home.

11.) Whoever thought this would be a nice gift.

12.) This so-called “friend.”

13.) This guy’s cat.

14.) This kid who “helped” out with the chores.

15.) This person who found a way to make cyclist seem even worse than usual.

16.) This deceitful father-daughter duo.

18.) This not so great neighbor.

19.) The person who doesn’t know how trash works.

20.) The worst guy at Starbucks.

(via BuzzFeed.)

Let’s just hope that karma is real and it will bite these people in the butt shortly.

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