How’s that old idiom go? “Like stealing candy from a baby,” I think. Well you’re about to watch a group of dogs steal a treat right out of the fingers of an infant, but admittedly in the most adorable way possible.
It’s interesting how well animals often react when they’re dealing with children, particularly babies. It’s as if their paternal or maternal instincts kick in and they suddenly realize that, despite any hair pulling or light hitting, they’re dealing with a small person who has little sense of what they’re doing. Take, for instance, a baby who plays with her family’s dog Dude, who is the most patient and courteous babysitter you could imagine.
The same applies to the dogs in the group below. But there’s a little bit of a catch…
The child they’re babysitting had his little fingers clutched around a couple of crackers. And while the pups are very gentle and take special care not to hurt him, these dogs, bless their hearts, can’t keep from snatching those crackers right out of his hands! Of course, the baby has no idea what’s going on so he doesn’t mind. They’re so adorable, and they know they shouldn’t be eating his snacks — but they can’t help themselves!
SHARE this adorable baby-meets-puppies video to show how sweet pups are with babies!