Gemma Cook’s 8-year-old son, Keaton, has autism and has struggled to read out loud for quite some time. Every time he saw a book, he would have a meltdown. He also has trouble with writing and gets very stressed out.
It was suggested that Cook get a service dog to help Keaton out, but the wait list for one was too long. A few years ago, Cook decided to bring two Dalmatians into the family, but she had no idea how much these two pups would change her son’s life. Not only were they great company for him, offering him guidance and companionship, but they helped him significantly with his every day struggles. In the video below, you can see Keaton reading out loud to his two dogs as they sit quietly next to him.
The dogs are great listeners and give Keaton the confidence he needs to succeed. Now he spends every evening reading with ease to his furry best friends! It’s amazing what dogs can do for us! Watch this sweet moment in the video below: