It’s easy to become disappointed by the state of the world when you focus on the negative. Wars, tragedy and everyday struggles can overwhelm a person. However, there are things in this life that will remind you that people are good and there is hope left in the world.
Here are 14 random acts of kindness that are so great, they’ll restore hope in your heart. These people had no reason to help out strangers, but they were kind anyway. Prepare to have a smile on your face.
1.) Wait… people were POLITE? Awesome.
2.) This helpful local rescued a tourist in need.
3.) A little girl made the vet’s work totally worth it.
4.) Flat tire (and agony) avoided.
5.) Everyone likes a free snack.
6.) How to be awesome at a laundromat.
7.) Awesome note for the awesome.
8.) That’s how you make a person smile.
9.) Kindness and understanding – love it!
10.) Someone’s day was made.
11.) Some friends wouldn’t be this helpful or concerned.
12.) Good deeds are amazing, and should be passed on.
13.) YES.
14.) Talk about “oops.”
(H/T Mashable)
Random acts of kindness are truly a wonderful thing. Hopefully, they made you realize how great people can be. These are worth showing others. Click on the button below to share!