No mom should have to live through the experience of saying goodbye to her child.
However, in some tragic cases, children leave this world earlier than their parents, and the family members left behind have to do whatever they can to make that transition a peaceful one.
That was certainly the case for one mom, Sarah Danbury, in Lincolnshire, U.K., who sat by teenage daughter Amy’s bedside, day in and day out, as the 19-year-old underwent treatments for chemotherapy.
But late last fall, Danbury saw something remarkable — something that made her rethink her perspective on Amy’s struggle, and gave her a tiny sliver of hope for her daughter.
Amy passed away last October, but three weeks before she left this world, she and her mom posed together for a photo in her hospital room.
Danbury believes that the photo may have captured something otherworldly, an angelic being keeping a close eye on Amy throughout her final day.
Scroll through below to see the image and judge for yourself.