Pit bulls are one of the most misunderstood breeds. There are some cities in America trying to outlaw them, and I know from experience that certain apartment buildings won’t allow tenants who own pit bulls.
Recently, a family released a video of their four-year-old daughter standing between six pit bulls and their dinner. What did those pit bulls do?
They waited patiently until the little girl said they could eat, of course!
Thank God for people like aspiring singer, author, and motivational speaker Ashley Gulla, whowrites extensively on her blog about the joys of rescuing her pit bull, Romeo.
She writes on her blog, “I decided to foster a pit who was about to be put down. I failed miserably and we adopted him four days after getting him. He truly has been thankful ever since, no joke. They say rescue dogs always have this happy, thankful grin on their faces. Romeo doesn’t. Instead he rests his head on you in a way that makes you understand his gratitude more than any smile could do. He’s a lover.”
Pit bull lovers (and all dog lovers), will enjoy her blog — but meanwhile, enjoy this letter that Ashley wrote about what she wishes she knew before adopting a pit bull.
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