Growing up can be stressful. Instead of play dates, you have blind dates. Instead of recess, you get a receding hairline. But, just because you’re not a kid anymore doesn’t mean you can’t have a play like one. Steve Kuhl, a brilliant designer and CEO of Kuhl Design+Build, can create you a bedroom that’ll tickle your inner child’s dreams. (Even if you build it for your actual child.)
One of the best parts of being a parent is finding reasons to play like a kid again. If you had this bedroom, you’d be doing lots of playing pirates with your little one.

When the father revealed Zach’s new room, the little boy was ecstatic. Even Kuhl was moved. “The response from the six year old was predictably awesome and sincere. Really there aren’t many moments in my career where I have seen such glee from a client.”
If you’d like your own fantastical bedroom, visit the Kuhl Design+Build website. A pirate ship bedroom like this would be worth every penny.
Source: My Modern Met
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