There’s an 18 year-old girl from Kansas who is fighting a battle that most of us wouldn’t be able to handle. She has stage 4 Glioblastoma, a brain tumor. But instead of locking herself away and being depressed, Alisa is truly living. Not only that, but she is inspiring people worldwide to help her achieve her dreams.

1. Kiss Channing Tatum.
2. Indoor sky diving.
3. Throw a big party.
4. Go on a disney cruise.
5. Swim with dolphins.
6. Go to Europe.
7. Go to Vegas.
8. Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.
9. Hot air balloon ride.
10. Learn to shoot a gun.
11. Ride a mechanical bull.
12. Ride an elephant.
13. Try every cheesecake at the cheesecake factory.
14. Go on a taxi ride and say “follow that car.”
15. Release a bunch of lanterns into the sky.
16. Get chocolate wasted.
17. Give people a reason to remember me.
18. Say yes to everything for a whole day.
19. Pie war.
20. Drive all day blasting music.
21. Travel to every state.
22. Go to New York and go sight seeing.
23. Go to Alaska.
24. Kiss under the Eiffel Tower.
25. Walk on the Great Wall of China.
26. Live a happy life.
27. No Facebook for 2 weeks.
28. Pay in pennies.
29. Go zip lining.
30. Go to Times Square for New Year’s.
31. Water sliding from dusk ‘til dawn.
32. Bake a rainbow cake.
33. Hold a baby lion.
34. Drink from a coconut.
35. Go through a drive thru on a horse.
36. Bake in the middle of the night with someone you love.
37. Go to the drive-in movies.
38. Have a glow stick fight.
39. Have a guy sing to me.
40. Propose to a stranger.
41. Tie messages in balloons and release them.
42. Kiss underwater.
43. Ride a dolphin.
44. Play messy Twister.
45. Have a paint fight.
46. Jump in a pool fully clothed.
47. Make an adventure book.
48. Go mudding.

Her family and friends know that Alisa possesses incredible strength. Her attitude throughout all of her struggles has been amazing.
“When Alisa was told by the doctors [that] there was no more they could do, she had a tear in her eye when she looked at her mom and said “Nope, I’m not going to do this.” She smiled at the [doctors], told them “Thank you,” and was ready to go home. There is a hope in her that if her dad and sister can keep surviving their cancer just maybe today can be her good day!
My daughter Alisa has a sparkle in her eyes and strength beyond anyone I know. She has a biological father with heart problems that she witnessed him flat line for several minutes; a father who raised her that was told he had a terminal brain tumor; and a sister at age 22 who fought ovarian cancer twice. They are keeping an eye on her youngest brother for suspicious spots on his thyroid glands and lymph nodes. She has triumphed through so much and still remains positive through all she is going through.”
And even though she didn’t get to kiss Channing Tatum (yet), he DID send her this video from the Oscars:
We hope and pray that Alisa continues working her way back to health! If you’d like to show her encouragement yourself, visit the Alisa’s Butterflies Facebook page. Her story is truly amazing, please share it with others and keep praying for her!
Source: Alisa’s Butterflies