Any dog lover will tell you the same thing: having a pup in your life is one of the most precious gifts imaginable!
After all, dogs earned the nickname “man’s best friend” for a reason, as they are the most undemanding, selfless relationship you’ll ever know.
For food, belly rubs and lots of love, dogs will give you kisses, health benefits, and a heap of unconditional love.
Even better, dogs have developed a knack for telling their humans “I love you,” even if they can’t actually say it in words.
The average dog owner can sense when the special canine in their life is trying to communicate their affection, but there may be even more clues most of us don’t pick up on!
In fact, dogs have all sorts of secret signals to share their love with their very favorite people.
Scroll through below to learn a few of the most adorable ways that dogs show their love.
Photo Credit: Flickr / Miika Silverberg