We’ve learned how to un-shrink clothes you thought were destined for the rag been, how to make ice cream using just two ingredients, and a simple way to keep your avocados from turning brown. All of these ideas are genius, but what if I told you there was a way to avoid spending money on toothpaste ever again?
A lot of commercial toothpastes have added chemicals, as well as sugar (which seems ironic!), and can sometimes cost a pretty penny, too. If you’re tired of buying expensive toothpastes that promise big whitening effects but never deliver, maybe you should try making your own! All you need are three easy ingredients, and from now on, you’ll always know exactly what you’re putting in your mouth, and how it’s going to effect your teeth.
Pretty packaging and nice commercials sell products, but if you want something that really does what it’s supposed to do (clean / whiten your teeth), then try this recipe!
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