Looks can be deceiving, even for something as big and as seemingly obvious as a beach. What you see below is NOT a well manicured tourist beach in Japan. It’s something much different.
If you like going to the beach, but don’t fancy going into the water (because that’s where the sharks live), then there is a resort in Japan that is just for you. This is the SeaGaia Ocean Dome, the world’s largest indoor water park. Basically, it is an enormous man-made beach.

There are some parts of going to the beach that are hard for people to appreciate (myself included). Don’t feel bad that there is real coastline less than a mile away from the SeaGaia resort. When people go to SeaGaia, it’s not for the fresh air. They go so that their senses can be completely fooled and they can enjoy all of the amenities of a record-breaking water park.
Via Excitris
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