For most of us, decorating a home is a great way to let your personality shine!
Minimalists might go for light wood and plain walls, while somebody with a more elaborate instinct might prefer lush carpets and tons of knickknacks.
Some folks even reflect their passion for history by decorating in a time-warp, like the homeowners responsible for this perfectly preserved 1950s kitchen.
We love when people let their homes reflect their personalities, and our very favorite iteration might just be a new trend that’s been sweeping the Internet lately.
Forget hardwood or tile — the hottest new thing in flooring is carefully laying out elaborate patterns in plain old pennies!
People have been laying copper penny floors for years, but lately, it’s taken on whole new dimensions as innovative DIY remodelers apply the techniques to their own homes.
The latest penny floor sweeping the world wide web might just be the prettiest we’ve seen yet.
Scroll through below to see this awesome hand-made penny floor unfold!